VITA TCE Income Tax Program Volunteers Needed

Take the step to become a tax volunteer–a chance to touch many lives!

Ever thought about volunteering to help people with their tax returns? With more than 13,000 volunteer tax help sites nationwide, you can touch lives as a volunteer.

The VITA and TCE programs offer free tax help to people with low to moderate income who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. This includes people with disabilities and seniors.

As a volunteer tax preparer, you’ll get to interact directly with people who need help preparing their own tax returns at no cost to them. Larger tax companies could deduct sometimes thousands of dollars in fees from people who are already struggling financially.

Don’t know that much about taxes? Don’t worry – you’ll get specialized training form the IRS-Certified trainers, or you can choose to take the online training course. You can also choose your volunteer duty. Duties include being a greeter, reviewer, tax preparer, and more.

Taxpayers rely on volunteers for free quality tax return preparation and assistance each year. Last year, 12 volunteers at the Uniontown Mall site helped more than 1500 taxpayers.

5 reasons to become a VITA/TCE volunteer.

  1. No prior experience is needed
  2. Free tax and law training is provided
  3. Flexible scheduling is available
  4. The tax site is nearby: Uniontown Mall
  5. You’ll be joining a program that’s helped millions of people prepare their taxes for no charge for over 40 years. Your help will make a difference helping people!

Contact Fayette County Community Action RSVP at 724-437-6050 ext 4276 to sign up.